Course ID Course Number Course Name Instructor Room Number Days Time Credits Prerequisites
ΒΦ224 BF224 Byzantine Poetry 6
ΝΕΦ201 NEF201 History of Modern Greek Literature Ι 6
ΑΕΦ101 AEF101 History of Ancient Greek Literature/Ancient Greek Language 6
ΝΕΦ202 NEF202 History of Modern Greek Literature ΙΙ 6
ΑΕΦ102 AEF102 Homer 6
ΝΕΦ203 NEF203 Theory of Literature (texts analysis and didactic applications) 6
ΑΕΦ103 AEF103 Rhetoric 6
ΝΕΦ204 NEF204 Introduction to Comparative Literature 6
ΛΦ121 LF121 Latin Language 6
ΓΛΩ301 GLV301 General Linguistics – History of Greek language 6